"There is no limit to what can be done for Christ's sake if it doesn't matter who gets the credit"

Why The Name MMED?

Both macro and micro are commonly used terms in economics. The term Micro Enterprise Development (MED) involves very small amounts of money. Macro enterprise involves large sums of money and mega enterprise involves huge sums of money.

Macromicro is neither mega, macro nor micro. In this instance macro is used as an adjective to describe micro, suggesting that MMED involves large-small amounts of money. And that is precisely the case. The money involved in a macromicro venture would be significantly larger than the amount of money typically involved in a micro venture.

On the other hand, it would be significantly less than the money involved in a macro project and insignificant compared to the money involved in a mega project.

How Does MMED Differ from Micro Enterprise Development (MED)?

Primarily Historically, MED has primarily targeted women and is often based on a small business loan and banking approach with no assurance that any of the profit from the business will accrue to the local church or to Christian ministries. The target group generally has no visible means of financial support for the family.

MMED targets men (but not at the exclusion of women) and is based on a partnership approach that requires partners, both men and women, to contribute (money or goods and services in kind) for pooling of their resources to develop a business that neither person could develop on his/her own. The amount of money involved in a MMED project will most often be large enough to attract and hold the attention of men in most developing countries around the world.